The Public Service Announcement Project
Our next project is to make a Public Service Announcement (PSA). This is part of a statewide competition. The winning group of the regional contest will receive $500. The regional winners will then compete and you could win another $500.
Here are the guidelines:
1.There can be no more than four members to a group. Your group can submit more than one PSA (if you have time).
2. The contest has quite a few rules and regulations. Here is a link to the contest's website
3. Your first step is to organize into groups of no more than four. You can have more than four actors, but no more than four can actually receive credit for the contest itself.
4. We will look at some examples of PSAs together in class. Then you will need to brainstorm your idea and come up with a "Treatment." A Treatment is a written description of what your project is all about from start to finish. You will be given time in your English class (if you have Ruffner) to write this treatment.
5. The next step is the Pitch. In class, each group will need to pitch their idea to me to get either a green light (good to go), a yellow light (needs refinement), or a red light (not acceptable).
6. After the pitch, you will begin your preproduction. Planning out who does what when. You will also need to write out your script.
7. Finally, you will shoot and edit your project. You will need to be completely finished with everything by Friday, February 28th. The deadline to upload your project to the contest's website is midnight, Saturday March 1st.
Here is a link to the videos of last year's winners.