This is a series of short videos explaining how to use different features within Adobe Premier.

Here are some basic things you can do in Premier

Watch the videos below:

How to Export Your Project

How to Change the Speed and Reverse Your Video

How to Apply Transitions and Effects

Useful Links

Internet Archive

Note: The Internet is a huge library of free, downloadable video and audio files that you can use in your projects. It has millions of files. There are choices for how you wish to download the files. In general, download the ones that say MPEG4.

YTMP3 Converter

This site allows you to take the URL of a video on YouTube and convert it to an MP3 Music file that you can use in your projects.

Legis Music

This is a website that provides links to websites with free music downloads. It also explains the pros and cons of downloading music and how to do it legally.