The Photoshop Portfolio and Certification Project
There goal of this project is to help you learn to use Adobe Photoshop CS 6 to the point where you can create a portfolio and receive certification.
Our first series of lessons will be with Here is a link to the first course we will be doing together:
Up and Running with Adobe Photoshop CS 6
You created an account with in class a couple of weeks ago. You will need to log in to your account to have access to the lessons.
I will walk you through the first steps to start the process.
Part Two of the Course: (Sections 4-6)
You may download a
graphic organizer for these first three sections.
You will need to watch the videos, in class or on your own, and be done through the sixth section by Monday. There is a project to go along with what you see in the videos.
Project Description
Create Five new Photoshop files that demonstrate your understanding of how to work with color and selection. One of your files needs to be a self-portrait collage (see example below).
1. Start by making a large blank file in Photoshop (800 by 800 PIXELS).
2. Start by adding a photo of yourself and then build up the rest of your image.
3. Include an abstract image of yourself somewhere in the collage (use the Photoshop filters).
4. Include an image that represents or symbolizes you (maybe you see yourself as a mountain, or a lion).
5. Include an image that represents what you would like to become.
6. Include an image that shows something about where you live or where you come from.
7. Include an image that shows people (friends or family) that you care about.
Here is an example:
Save your five example files because they will be used when we create your portfolio.
When you present your files, I will need to see you demonstrate how to use the following:
* Change resolution
* Apply basic color correction
* Use adjustment layers
* Evaluate a histogram
* Apply the basic selection tools
These five files need to be complete by the end of class Monday.