
An Overview of HTML Tags











All HTML documents start and end with this basic tag. It tells the Web Browser that the document has been formatted with the hypertext markup language.

The head tag is where important information about the web page itself is stored. It doesn't show up on your Web Browswer. When you do a search on the Internet, the search engines look through the heads of the web pages.

The title tag is where you type the name of the HTML document. The title tag confuses some people because whatever you type as the title doesn't actually appear on your web page. It's there in the head of the document so that the search engines can keep track of the page.

Here, in the BODY of the document is where you put all your information. Whatever you type in between the opening and closing BODY tags will show up on your web page. This is also where all your pictures and animations will go as well.

H1 stands for Header One. Whatever you surround with this tag will be bigger. It looks like this:

This is typed in H1.

This is typed in H2.

This is typed in H3.

This is typed in H4.

This is typed in H5.

This is typed in H6.