Getting Started with Flash


  • Be Able to Make a Simple Flash Animation

Starting Flash

Let's start by creating a simple animation. First of all, take a look at the drawing tools:

The one you will start with is the oval tool:

Click it to select it.
  1. Take a look at the colors available to you.

    The top color represents the stroke (the outside lining) and the bottom color represents the fill(the inside color). Choose a stroke and fill color by clicking on the color palettes.

  2. Click and drag inside the workspace to create your oval shape. The workspace is the blank work area here:

  3. Select your shape in the workspace by dragging the arrow tool over your shape. The arrow tool is the top-left tool in your palette of drawing tools. Be sure to click and drag over the complete oval--so that both the stroke and the fill are selected. It will change color slightly after you select it.

  4. Look at the menu items at the top of the screen. Choose Insert >Convert to Symbol. Give it a name. Choose the behavior category Graphic.

  5. See the time line. This is what it looks like:

  6. Click in Frame 15.

  7. Click Insert>Keyframe.

  8. Drag your shape across the workspace.

  9. Click anywhere inside the timeline between frames 1-15.

  10. Click the right side button on your mouse and select Create Motion Tween.

  11. Rewind by dragging the red tab directly above the timeline. Play your movie.

  12. Create a new layer by clicking the little plus icon right below your layers.

  13. Make a new shape.

  14. Convert it to a graphic symbol as you did before.

  15. Making sure that you are in your second layer, click inside frame 20.

  16. Insert keyframe.

  17. Drag your new shape to a different place across the screen.

  18. Right-click on the shape and select Scale.

  19. Drag the corners of the object to make it bigger.

  20. Apply a motion Motion Tween in the timeline as you did before.

  21. Test the movie by clicking on Control and then selecting, Test movie.

First Project

Create a Flash Movie consisting of ten layers with ten different shapes. Experiment with the different types of animation possible.

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