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OAKLAND UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SYLLABUS: The Art of Digital Filmmaking SCHOOL YEAR: 2015-2016Department: Computer Science and Technology Academy Instructor: Mr. Frey Website:www.voxcommunications.com Grade Level(s) for which course is intended: 11-12 Credit Value: 5.00 Per Semester Length of Course:1Year Pre-requisite(s): None Brief Course Description: This course studies film and filmmaking as a creative art. It is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in the field of video production. Students will learn the vocabulary of film and research and analyze films made by a diverse group of filmmakers. Students will explore the visual language of film from a two-pronged approach: by studying the history of film as an expressive medium, and by learning the process of digital movie making. In addition to studying the style and meaning of a wide variety of film genres, students will engage in the production of their own digital movie portfolios. By engaging in the process of filmmaking, students will develop their own creative expression, thereby strengthening their own understanding of film in a variety of contexts: social, visual, and historical. Students will compare the means by which film communicates meaning, and make informed aesthetic evaluations based on the principles of visual design. By creating original digital film compositions, students will gain insight into the nature of the artist's desire to communicate, and how that communication is both interpreted and influenced by society. Students will analyze the diverse means by which film impacts culture by studying contemporary and historical artists who have used the medium to contribute to cultural life. The combination of studying film and learning the process of filmmaking as an expressive art will give students increased communication competency, enhance creative problem solving strategies, and bring about a wider appreciation of the impact of film in society. This course is articulates with Peralta College's Multimedia Program and meets the UC Visual and Performing Arts requirement. Learner Outcomes:
Text: Film: An Introduction by Phillips Student Assessment: Since classes in Computer Technology, are by their nature project based and performance based driven, most of the student's work will be graded based on the quality of their projects. However, oral reports, written assignments, group projects, quizzes, tests, and a final examination will also be evaluated in calculating the student's final grade. Marks: A. Work that is outstanding: 90-100% B. Work that is good: 80-89% C. Work that is satisfactory: 70-79% D. Work that needs major improvement: 60-69% F. Work that is unacceptable: 59% and below Classroom Management Plan Classroom Management Plan Student can earn 100 Participation points per day. For being on time and in seat when the bell rings, student earns 25 points. For staying on task throughout the class, student earns 50 points. For cleaning up work area, logging out of the computer, and staying in seat until dismissal, a final 25 points. Participation is worth 30% of the course grade. Projects count for 40%. Assessments count for 20% and the Interactive Journal counts for 10%. The full breakdown looks as follows: Participation 30% Projects 40% Assessments 20% Journal 10% Late work will lose one full grade per day late.
Behavior Issues: The Countdown of ActionsIf a student is violating classroom rules, the following steps will be taken in this order:
Tardy Policy |
Presentation on Grading Policy