The Second Big Website Project

Now that you have the basics down, let's expand what you have learned. For this second website you have a choice:

First Choice: Website about you. Include your story, where you're from, some info about your family and neighborhood. Include your goals for the future. The theme is past, present, and future of YOU.

Second Choice: Website about a career you'd be interested in pursuing. Explain the job, what training does the job require? There should be lots of pictures.

Third Choice: Make a website that is designed to teach the class about a subject you are interested in. Collect pictures and information and display them in a pleasing way. I will need to approve your topic before you start working on int.

It needs to be informative, beautiful to look at, and easy to navigate. You will need to save your html files and your pictures. Use Google docs, drop box, or a flash drive. Here's what you need to include:

1. A total of at least ten pages.

2. Each page needs to have at least one picture.

3. Each page needs to have at least one paragraph of text, not copied from a website, but your own writing.

4. A starting page that links off your main page.

5. Links that go forward backwards. Make it easy for the visitor to move around.

6. Links to other websites where the visitor can find more information.

7. Use break tags and make the pictures themselves links as well.

You can find many examples at: w3 schools basic html