Part Two: Pulling it All Together with Unity. A Linked Learning Project.

In the next level of our learning Maya and Unity we will do a group project. In a team of up to four, you will do the following:

1. Use Unity to create a series of levels that correspond to the following: An entry level, a Roman level, a level that illustrates any era you are interested in from your World History class, and a "sci-fi" type level for your Chemistry class. You may add any additional levels you desire.

We will be making use of audio recordings that will be activated as your first person controller makes contact with trigger spots in your level. For the Roman level, you will need to record key speeches from Julius Caesar and have them activated in the level itself. You can also do the same with music that you create in class. Each of your levels will need an audio component.

2. Your group will have complete access to all of the Unity tutorials (there are many) which will give you the tools you need to do the job. You can split up the duties: one person can specialize in Maya models, another in coding, another in Photoshop textures, and so on.

3. Part of the project will be to create a presentation about one major technical achievement in your project using JING. Jing is the program I use to make instructional online videos. It is a free download. Here is the link: Jing

4. As part of the project, you will need to find and interview someone from the Video game industry. I will give you some links of possible contacts. I will help you come up with questions to ask.

5. We will be uploading stages of your project to We created accounts earlier. Make sure your account is working.

6. Finally, one person in your group will be responsible for documenting your project from start to end and creating a Keynote presentation/Blog to highlight it. This person will need to include screenshots of your project at various stages along with photographs and interviews of the people in your team.

7. This is a three week project. Presentations will take place on the 15th of May.


Unity 3D Tutorial: Lots of help here

Using Audio in Unity Part 1

Using Audio in Unity Part 2 with a side about Using Skyboxes

How to jump from one level to another in Unity